For Labour . For Delivery . For Prenatal Care



We believe that only you can guide your best birth experience.  The Kaya Birth Stool can be used in a wide range of settings and positions, allowing you to respond to your body throughout labour and delivery, deciding what feels most comfortable and most effective for you.


Our Story

Learn more about our vision and our company


The Kaya Stool is designed to support the most natural and physiologically effective positioning for labour & delivery


Squat / Sit


learn more about positioning with your kaya stool

Labouring in water has been found to ease the pain of contractions, helping you to relax and to maintain a rhythm of breathing and contractions


The Kaya Stool can be placed in a shower or submerged in a pool or tub to facilitate the many benefits of water during labour and delivery


The Kaya Stool was originally developed and continues to be manufactured locally in Toronto, Canada


Learn more about the making of the kaya stool