We discovered that the latest research supports these upright positions as best health practice for women during labour & delivery
Source – World Health Organization
In hospital
We recognized that an obstacle to the use of these best health practices was the simple fact that hospital labour & delivery rooms are not designed for them. The Kaya Birth Stool offers a way of facilitating the benefits of these traditional and effective practices within a hospital setting.
at home
The Kaya Stool can be a great tool before, during, and after your birth. Getting familiar with the positions facilitated by the Kaya Stool will allow you to move more comfortably through them during labour & delivery. The Kaya stool can be used comfortably in a home birth or hospital setting.
after birth
The Kaya Stool can be easily cleaned and disinfected for safe repeated usage. For individuals who purchase the stool, it can remain in the home for continued stretching and strengthening as your body recovers after birth, and can even become a sentimental play object for your children.